Saturday, February 18, 2012

The universe in a couple of words.......

Sometimes I wonder what the universe is exactly, just a silky back drop over a variety of marbles? Life has taught me well that everything is not what it seems to appear. For example, that nice boy over the street murdered 3 others. No, it appears more practical. "Does god exist?" Young readers would ask me. My message to you, The universe has no limit. As I have watched on the television, you need three ingredients to create a universe. One- SPACE. You need SOMEWHERE to put this universe. What else? Two- Matter.  What are you going to make it out of? Three- Time. Ah, yes, the dreaded time is needed. Go ask Father Time to get you an hourglass. Not easy, right? Are you going to pull space out of your pocket? Take my advice, young-ins. Just leave a piece of fruit in the sun and very soon you will have your own colony of ants. Trust my expertise, you would be way better off.

No one knows where the universe came from. Scientists believe what they call "The Big Bang" theory. This says that the universe just came out of......nowhere?? I was stupefied at first....all this pulled out of nothing, out of a murky pit? It is told god existed BEFORE time, which was during this period. One thing....that could not happen. Nothing existed before there was the universe, leave out god. This is caused for there being no time. A confusing puzzle, is it not?

All before time. This is just a measly theory, so don't go beating down doors for it. I always wonder if there is anything beyond space. Is there? Choose your own path. Choose wisely.

Writer, Smart-Aleck and yours truly,
Ide Kayla

A New Poem

Dead Land
By Ide Kayla
Gloomy Dead Trees stand,
Jade vines crawling over damp bark.
There used to be a time when the wind blew,
Scattering lush petals of olive, gold and lavender over
Emerald pasture.
There used to be a time when magpies tittered, hopping branch to branch
On glorious willow trees,
Limp branches waved in the breeze.

There used to be a time that was serene,
Never overtaken by glass buildings or
Silly cars running on black gravel roads.
No rubbish spilling on the street.
Until now.
No life surrounds but
A dead paradise.
Dead land.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Two Poems

By Ide Kayla (my 10 year old daughter)

For years I have been hiding in the shadows,
In my own shell of a life.
Tears splattering the blood-covered ground.
Knees wobbling,
Chest tightened,
I shuffle downwards to what seemed like death.
Her beady snake eyes scanned me,
Holding its icy blue stare.
Snarl that can curdle milk,
Was carved by angels to perfection.
Girls and boys gawk,
Making me sag to the ground.
For my pathetic imperfection,
Stank the school yard,
Causing the Magpies to flitter away,
In  a frenzy full of feathers.
A tear, this time,
Red with blood,
Rolled down my flushed cheeks.
It seems like the girl had damaged me with words,
Leaving the crowd to point and laugh.
I squint and almost die this time.
Familiar faces grin like demon's
In front of mine, which was pale and bitter, with frost.
Same hair, same eyes, same faces.....
I gasp with horror.
The tear of blood has repeated, leaving a mark on my other cheek.
Then, almost rapidly, a third rolled down, then a fourth,
And so on, the blood flowed at an amazing speed.
I became paler, which only added to my despicable face,
Which, now was the color of a sheet.
I took a deep breath, then accepted my tragic death.
I waited.
And waited
And waited.
I was no longer in this world anymore.
I vanished.


Standing in the Rain
By Ide Kayla

O, god what have we done, to make sinners,

To change? The world is thy golden,

We are trinkets, spreading

A wildfire. Burning.

Keep Burning. The skies stained with blood of fallen

Warriors. The rain pelts like an inferno,

Stinging ‘round my neck.

Midnight looms over the silky dark sky,

Tracing bright stars.

I grip a palm. Shivering,

Dripping down my back,

Tears flow. I grip the smooth hand

Tighter, feeling a familiar warmth. My veins run ice cold.

My hard plunged in my throat.

Stubbornly, I crane my neck, seeing a man.

He, not solid, transparent with a sickly

Blue tinge. My grey eyes look in to

His warm, silver ones.

A peculiar feeling shoots through me.

No, it couldn't be...............


I squeak, my voice reaching a peak.

The man does not answer,

Thy just stares at me solemnly,

As if we shared a secret.

And we did.


I repeat, a little most courageous.

“Is that you?”

No answer.

The man is gone.
