Kosovo: Time For Serbia To Wake Up
By Gordana Knezevic
Friday, February 29, 2008
Last week's pictures from Belgrade were ugly. Broken windows in the city center, the burned flags of foreign embassies, and thinly veiled justifications of the violence by Serbian officials. A government minister, Velimir Ilic, went so far to say that violence against foreign embassies was the appropriate answer to the "violence" committed against Serbia by taking away its province.
However, Kosovo left Serbia a long time ago. Most Serbs did not notice that departure, since Kosovo was not present in their conscience as a place to visit or, God forbid, a place to move to with a business or the family.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008

Is Kosovo Serbia? We ask a historian
Noel Malcolm
The Guardian, Tuesday February 26 2008
"Kosovo is Serbia", "Ask any historian" read the unlikely placards, waved by angry Serb demonstrators in Brussels on Sunday. This is rather flattering for historians: we don't often get asked to adjudicate. It does not, however, follow that any historian would agree, not least because historians do not use this sort of eternal present tense.
History, for the Serbs, started in the early 7th century, when they settled in the Balkans. Their power base was outside Kosovo, which they fully conquered in the early 13th, so the claim that Kosovo was the "cradle" of the Serbs is untrue.

Fytyra Njerezore e Shkrimtarit
Nga Altin Topi
Shekulli Shkurt 25, 2008(botuar me shkurtime)
Perseri e perseri, duke iu rikthyer leximit te autoreve qe kemi per zemer, bindemi se ata edhe pas rileximit te vepres se tyre, kane aftesi te na befasojne serishmi. Shkrimtaret e medhenj na mahnisin me universalitetin e tyre, sepse ata nuk jane thjesht nje miniere apo forxhe ideshe, por gjithmone edhe nje "kuti e magjikeshme" prej ku dalin panderprere gjera te reja e te befasueshme, qe ne jemi ne gjendje t'i percojme sensualisht, apo t'i abstragojme vetem pas nje ripertypje te gjate te vepres se tyre. Te pushton frika se ndoshta, kurre nuk mund te depertosh plotesisht ne boten e tyre. E larget, e huaj perngjan magjia e tyre ne njohjen e pare, shume larg ne rete e pafundesise eshte mendimi i tyre, shume i vecante mesazhi i tyre.
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