Saturday, February 23, 2008

Syri i Fotografit

Shqiptaret, - nje Popull i Çbere (pjesa e dyte)
Nga Altin Topi

Diku nga vitet 1980-te, ne nje vizite ne New York, Ibrahim Rugova, iu krijua mundesia te takohej me nje gazetar te nje te perditeshme prestixhoze te New York-ut, i cili kishte marre persiper te shkruante nje artikull per Kosoven. Ishte nje nga ata gazetaret “junior”, qe nuk dinte shume per Kosoven dhe shqiptaret e Kosoves. Rugova si fillim nxorri nga canta qe gjithmone mbarte me vete, nje harte te krahines autonome te Jugosllavise te atehereshme, - Kosoves. Biseda sic zakonisht ndodh ne keto lloj rastesh, nuk zgjati shume.

Friday, February 22, 2008


The Serbs' Self-Inflicted Wounds
With Kosovo independent, Yugoslavia is finally dead.
By Christopher Hitchens
SLATE Magazine

Someone with a good memory of the conversation once told me how Lord Carrington, then one of the "mediators" of the incipient post-Yugoslavia war, came to the conclusion that Slobodan Milosevic was a highly dangerous man. Well-disposed toward Serbia (as the British establishment has always been), Carrington told the late dictator that he understood Serb concerns about significant Serbian minorities in Bosnia and Croatia. But why did Milosevic also insist on exclusive control over Kosovo, where the Albanian population was approximately 90 percent? "That," replied Milosevic coldly, "is for historical reasons." It's a shame, in retrospect, that it took us so long to diagnose the pathology of Serbia's combination of arrogance and self-pity, in which what is theirs is theirs and what is anybody else's is negotiable.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rite de Passage

Zentana ne Qytetin e Bardhe
Nga Altin Topi

Zentanasit e ata pak jo-zentanas qe ne nje menyre ose nje tjeter kane kerkuar nje fat me te mire per Zentanes, besojne se ajo nuk eshte as Euritane e as Aziane. Prirja kryesore, drejtimi dominues i Zentanes ka anuar me shume nga Euriana, Perendimi se sa nga Aziana, Lindja. Fatkeqesisht per shkak te rrethanave historike, qendrimit te gjate nen dominimin e perandorive me origjine e shikim nga lindja, arbitrarisht, perkatesia e saj kulturore eshte referuar me shpesh, si kulture lindore se sa perendimore. Kjo reference mbizoteruese, ka shkaktuar qe Zentana, te mos perfshihet si nje pjese e globusin kultural Eurianas. Te kunderten e nje tendence te importuar nga jashte, nuk ka shfaqur deshiren t'a besoje askush, pervec se ndoshta vet zentanasve.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Syri i Fotografit

Shqiptaret, - nje Popull i Çbere (pjesa e pare)
Nga Altin Topi

Kosove, 17 Shkurt 2008 Kosova Deklaron Pavarsine

(Ja si jepet lajmi minuta prej shpalljes se pavarsise nga agjensia e lajmeve The Associated Press)

PRISTINA, Kosovo - Kosovo declared itself a nation on Sunday, mounting a historic bid to become an "independent and democratic state" backed by the U.S. and key European allies but bitterly contested by Serbia and Russia.

"Kosovo is a republic — an independent, democratic and sovereign state," parliament speaker Jakup Krasniqi said as the chamber burst into applause.