Thursday, February 14, 2008
Syri i Fotografit
Banaliteti i te Keqes
Nga Altin Topi
Banaliteti i te keqes eshte nje fraze e koinizuar dhe e bere te njohur nga filozofja gjermane-amerikane Hannah Arend. Kjo shprehje e sjelle nga Arend-i permbledh tezen se saj se: te gjithe te keqijat, krimet e kryera pergjate historise te njerezimit, duke perfshire ketu edhe Holokaustin, nuk jane vepra vetem te disa fanatikeve apo psikopateve, por jane kryer edhe nga njerez te zakonshem, te cilet pranuan premisat e shtetit dhe ideologjise sunduese te atij shteti, te cilit i ofruan sherbimin e tyre. Ata morren pjese me deshire ne kryerjen e krimeve te paimagjinueshme, me bindjen se ishin duke bere detyren dhe aktet e tyre ishin krejt normale.
Ne vitin 1961, Hannah Arend ishte derguar ne Jerusalem nga revista The New Yorker. Kesaj rradhe ne rolin e reporteres; te merrte pjese ne gjykimin e njerit prej nazisteve me famekeq, Adolf Eichmann. Ne seancat e gjygjit, Hannah vuri re se njeriu qe gjykohej mbas asaj kioske xhami ishte ndryshe nga kriminelet e tjere te rangut te Hitlerit, Geringut, Himlerit, e rrethit te ngushte te hierarkise te larte naziste. Veprimtaria e tij kriminale ishte rrjedhoje e ambicies, interesimit e deshires te tij per te kryer me perpikmeri detyrat e tij si nepunes i administrates naziste. Ne aspektin psikologjik dhe jo nga pikpamja legale, ngjante se ai, nuk ishte nje mendje kriminale, e shtyre nga nje urrejtje e deshire per te vrare hebrenjte ne vecanti.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Biography - A Traveller's Tale
by Lloyd Jones
Interviewing "The Black Cat"
In the morning we saw him off. Then we walked back to
the Dajti, where Diani was waiting to ring Nexhmije.
We rang the telephone number which Ilir had scribbled
down, and Nexhmije answered - which was to expected,
of course. But for Diani Nexhmije belonged to the old
pantheon of saints. Nexhmije had shared the royal
podium. It was scarcely believable that she should
answer her own telephone and ask that we avoid the
back entrance.
"She did stress the 'front entrance,'" said Diani.
Five o'clock, and although it was dark I could see no
sign of security.
by Lloyd Jones
Interviewing "The Black Cat"
In the morning we saw him off. Then we walked back to
the Dajti, where Diani was waiting to ring Nexhmije.
We rang the telephone number which Ilir had scribbled
down, and Nexhmije answered - which was to expected,
of course. But for Diani Nexhmije belonged to the old
pantheon of saints. Nexhmije had shared the royal
podium. It was scarcely believable that she should
answer her own telephone and ask that we avoid the
back entrance.
"She did stress the 'front entrance,'" said Diani.
Five o'clock, and although it was dark I could see no
sign of security.
Albanian Self-Parody
Excerpts from an American traveler's notebook:
.... On the following day we went to see the Prefect and the Mayor, to whom we explained the object of our journey. Every visit was, of course, celebrated with coffee and spoonfuls of jam. Each time that we spoke of painting Albania, or of writing about Albania, the Mayor, a very fat man, struggled to his feet, made each one of us a low bow, and said, "Thank you, thank you." There seemed to be a general idea that we were writing a book of propaganda in favor of Albania. "The Greeks, Serbs, and Italians have poured contumely upon this innocent little land," they said. We tried hard to explain the sort of book we really wanted to write, but of course they have never seen, heard, imagined, or could perceive the use of a mere travel book. We said that we would tell the truth as we saw it. "Precisely, " they replied, "Thank you. That is what is needed -
Excerpts from an American traveler's notebook:
.... On the following day we went to see the Prefect and the Mayor, to whom we explained the object of our journey. Every visit was, of course, celebrated with coffee and spoonfuls of jam. Each time that we spoke of painting Albania, or of writing about Albania, the Mayor, a very fat man, struggled to his feet, made each one of us a low bow, and said, "Thank you, thank you." There seemed to be a general idea that we were writing a book of propaganda in favor of Albania. "The Greeks, Serbs, and Italians have poured contumely upon this innocent little land," they said. We tried hard to explain the sort of book we really wanted to write, but of course they have never seen, heard, imagined, or could perceive the use of a mere travel book. We said that we would tell the truth as we saw it. "Precisely, " they replied, "Thank you. That is what is needed -
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Projektimi i Bindjeve Personale
Nga Altin Topi
Alb-Club Qershor 2005
Cdo kujt i bie rasti te shprehet:
”Bindja ime personale eshte se, kolegu me siper e ka interpretuar krejt....”
Menjehere, kjo shprehje, me solli ndermend kardinalin Ratzinger, sot Papa Benedikt XVI, i cili na kujton "diktaturen e relativizmit", qe varet mbi kokat e njeriut (post)modern, si nje mjegullnaje.
And this while relativism, that is, allowing oneself to be led here and there by any wind of doctrine, is seen as the only behavior abreast of the times.
What "remains eternally," he added, "is the human soul."
Relativizmi vjen ne forma te ndryshme, por gjithmone eshte dekonstruktivist ne natyre. Pershembull, per relativizmin, nuk ka te vertete historike objektive. Nuk ekziston e verteta historike apo objektive. Enver Hoxha, ne varesi se kush e trajton historine, jo vetem qe mund te mos kete qene diktator, por mund te kete qene fare mire nje clirues, shpetimtar, marksist i madh, etj, superlativa te ketij lloji.
Syri i Fotografit
Jean-Francois Jonvelle
Nga Altin Topi
Jean-Francois Jonvelle lindi ne Cavaillon te Frances ne 1943. Si femi ishte shume i levizshem, e nuk shkelqente ne asgje. Nje dite, ne vitin 1959, ishte nje fotograf, Georges Glasberg, i cili e ftoi Jean, t’i bashkohej atij ne nje turne rreth France per te fotografuar katedralet. Ne moshen 16 vjec, ai nisi aventuren e fotografit, te krijuesit te imazheve fotografike.
Motoja e tij ishte:“Gjithshka qe te besh, beje pa e imagjinuar”. Per ate, te fotografuarit, te kapurit e imazheve fotografike behej si nje krijim i castit, pa ndonje parapergatitje. Ai qe ne momentin qe filloi te shkrepe butonin e aparatit, iu perkushtua artit te fotografise me te njejten pasion e dashuri, qe nuk iu venit pergjate gjithe jetes.
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