Friday, February 8, 2008
Natyra Njerezore
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Alb-Club Korrik 2000
Te gjitha permbysjet dhe turbullirat sociale kane ndodhur duke patur te vetmen shtyse-utopine e perjeteshme te njerezimit se mund te ndryshojne natyren njerezore. E per kete sipas tyre do te mjaftonte prezantimi e pranimi i nje kulture apo ideologjie te re. Por per sociologjistet e psikologet post-moderne, Aristoteli vazhdon te mbreteroje edhe pas 2000 vjetesh.
Natyra njerezore, jo vetem qe nuk ka ndryshuar aspak keto 2000 vjet, por nuk ka ndryshuar aspak ne 10,000 vjet. Sipas tyre karakteristikat e tiparet a saj nuk jane implantuar nepermjet kulturave, por gjenetikisht nepermjet evolucionit.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
An International Mandate over Albania!?
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Alb-Club Janar 2000
Surprisingly as it may seem the idea of an international mandate(UN-USA) over Albania is as old as the creation of modern Albania itself. At the time a considerable number of Albanian-Americans looked at the US as the Power which could fulfill this role. This view was conveyed explicitly in Vatra's statement of March 15, 1918:
...[Albania] shall be assigned to them the assistance and cooperation of some great nation with no political ambitions to subserve and no desire for territorial conquest...the United States seems to be the nation to which the Albanians can look with perfect confidence. If an American commissioner or commission were to be designated by the United States to assist the Albanians in forming constructive and successful state, every loyal Albanian would be satisfied... The word "mandate" surfaced up and a confidential document of the State Department circulated under the title: "Brief recommendation regarding Albania" suggesting that United States Government might support:
Skenderbeu i Vertete
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Alb-Club Nentor 2005
Marlow, ishte nje dramaturg anglez, rreth te cilit prej kohe, eshte hedhur hipoteza se eshte autori i vertete i trashigimise shekspiriane. Nese nje dite do te mund te provohet kjo hipoteze, do te dale se edhe vepra e pare e shkruar e Shekspirit(pra Marlow-t) do te jete drama mbi Skenderbeun: The True History of George Scanderbeg. Sot nuk ekziston, as edhe nje kopje e vetme e kesaj drame.
Ndoshta duke u nisur nga vet titulli(Historia e Vertete e George Scanderbeg) do te mesonim shume rreth Skenderbeut, perderisa sic edhe dime nga vepra shekspiriane, ai na i ka zbuluar te vertetat njerezore fare lakuriq. Po te kishim vepren Dhe te provonim se autori eshte Shekspiri, do ta kishim zgjidhur paq kete punen e Skenderbeut, e te vertetave rreth tij.
As Much As You Can
C.P. Cavafy(1863-1933)
And if you cannot make your life as you want it,
at least try this
as much as you can: do not disgrace it
in the crowding contact with the word,
in the many movements and all the talk.
Do not disgrace it by taking it,
dragging around often and exposing it
to the daily folly
of relationships and associations,
till it becomes like an alien burdensome life.
C.P. Cavafy
The Guy in the Glass
Dale Wimbrow (1895-1954)
When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.
For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgment upon you must pass,
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass,
He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.
You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you are a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.
(C) 1934
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Filozofia dhe Krijuesi
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Alb-Club Tetor 2001
Konvertimi im ne nje njeri qe beson ne Krijuesin, erdhi nje dite te mire me diell, a priori, si pakuptuar, as une vet se di se si. Nuk kishte te bente me leximet e mija, as me ndryshimin e vizionit per jeten, as me ndonje ngjarje ne jeten time personale, as me moden per te perqafuar nje fe ne ditet post-komuniste te Shqiperise. Asnjehere nuk jam lodhur per te gjetur perse-ne apo si-ne. Ndodhi. Vetem se ate dite, morra vesh kuptimin e fjaleve qe me kishte thene gjyshi im nje cerek shekulli me pare. Gjyshi im, ndjese paste, ishte njeri i Zotit, nje eksponent teper i spikatur ne besimin e tij. Tek e shihja te falej ate figure cikllopi, te gjate, e pyesja:- "Cfare po ben, o gjysho? Po bej gjimnastike," - me thoshte. Vetem periudha post-ateiste, me mesoj kuptimin qe i jepte ai gjimnastikes.
Intermexo "with no function and address".
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Alb-Club Shtator 2001
Froidi, Da Vinci, Mother Teresa, Michelangelo, Fromm, Madona, Jung, Migjeni, Hitler, etj.; nje ece-jake oshiluese midis shkences dhe artit. E ne fund, konkluzioni i Gardener-it,(encore France, encore Viva France), - "inteligjenca ka shume xhepa". Nga cili xhep del, e ne cilin futet inteligjenca e juaj, apo e imja? Pune e holle kjo, djem e vajza! Sidomos, kur vjen puna per te perkufizuar revolucionet. E me te vertete, cfare jane revolucionit? A jane thjesht perseritja e historise, pra nje spiral me lart, apo nje "nuveau development" e nje menyre totalisht e re e te menduarit, adaptuar per rrethana te reja? A jane revolucionet ne art, ne shkence, ne politike (sisteme shoqerore) te njejta; a jane perqafime prej shumices per shkak te dhunes abstraguese, psikologjike apo fizike; apo jane perqafime te vullneteshme te masave injorante apo atyre te sofistikuara? Sa zgjasin revolucionet, kane nje "due date", nje vit, dy, kater, dhjete here, apo jane "perpetual"?
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