Saturday, December 26, 2009


Te kesh qënë
nga Claudio Magris*

kushtuar Luka Doninelit

E pra Xheri vdiq. Harroje, nuk është ky halli, as për atë, e as për kërkënd. Biles as për mua, megjithëse e doja fort, e akoma e kam brënda vetes, sepse dashuria nuk njeh kohë. O perëndi, e parë kështu, sigurisht që po, është tamam ajo për ç’ka kemi nevojë. Por dashuria ka gramatiken e vet, megjithëse nuk njeh kohët, por veç mënyrat, biles vetëm njërën prej tyre, pikërisht paskajoren në të tashmen. Kur dashuron, është e përherëshme, për të tjerat s’ka rëndësi. Mund të jetë çfarëdo lloji dashurie e vjetër. Nuk është e vërtetë që e ke hedhur mbrapa, - asgjë nuk lihet pas, në të shumtën mbetesh sadopak peng i së kaluarës; kështu është, e mbart me vete siç edhe jeten, e cila s’ka asgjë për t’u çjerrë nga zëri, me ndryshimin se shpëton më kollaj nga jeta, se sa të hedhësh pas dashurinë. Është njëlloj si ndriçimi i yllit. Kujt i plas në se
yjet janë akoma aktive apo pajetë, të shuar?

Art/Movie and Theater

Stevens to play Albanian hero at 100th celebration
By Lisa Millegan

Modesto tenor honored by role
Roy Stevens is not Albanian and has no ancestors who are. Yet the Modesto tenor will play the Eastern European country's national hero in an opera for the country's 100th anniversary celebration.

He will portray the title role in "Skanderbeg" in the capital city of Tirana in 2012.

Stevens said he was as surprised as anyone to be offered the part.

"Can you imagine the U.S. choosing a foreigner to play George Washington or Abe Lincoln in a national celebration?" he said.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Uncovering feminist views in 19th century Albanian's works
From Little About

Washington, Dec 20 - An American academic has discovered some radical ideas on women's equality in the works of a Muslim author penned during 1872 to 1900.
The expert has written an article about his findings that will appear in the January 2010 issue of Middle Eastern Studies, a British academic journal published in London.
Dr. George Gawrych, a professor of history professor at Baylor University, reviewed the works of Albanian novelist and playwright Semseddin Sami Frasheri and found that he saw women as "equal but different."
This was a revolutionary point of view in the patriarchal society of the time.
Gawrych, who received a Fulbright Senior Researcher Scholar grant for 2008-2009, was in Turkey to study about Ataturk and the War of Independence waged from 1919 to 1923.
While studying about Albanians under Ottoman rule, Gawrych came across Semseddin Sami's ideas in an 1879 published book titled Women.